Categories: LED Lighting How To

Guide: How to Stop Camera from Changing Lighting Easily

Have you ever struggled with your camera altering the lighting and exposure in your photos and videos? In this guide, I’ll teach you how to stop your camera from changing lighting, disable auto lighting adjustments, control camera lighting changes, and ultimately stabilize your camera lighting. Let’s dive into the tips and tricks for a perfect, consistent shot every time.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the strobe effect in cameras and LED light flickering
  • Mastering FPS (frames per second) adjustments to achieve consistent lighting
  • Optimizing shutter speed to match lighting frequency
  • Controlling brightness for smoother camera performance
  • Moving away from artificial light sources to stabilize imaging
  • Leveraging natural light to avoid flickering
  • Preventing camera auto adjustments on smartphones

Understanding the Strobe Effect in Cameras

When recording with a camera, LED lights might exhibit a rapid flickering effect known as the ‘strobe effect’ due to the camera’s Frames per Second (FPS) not being synchronized with the electrical frequency. This section will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide insights into controlling lighting changes to achieve smooth and consistent video recordings.

The strobe effect can occur when there is a misalignment between the camera’s FPS and the frequency of electricity. This results in LED lights appearing to flicker in the captured video, even though they seem stable to the naked eye.

There are different factors contributing to the appearance of strobe effects in your camera. Some of these factors include:

  • Power supply frequency (measured in Hertz or Hz)
  • LED light quality and design
  • Camera FPS settings
  • Automatic exposure adjustments by the camera

Power supply frequency is a significant contributor to strobe effects in cameras. Electricity frequencies vary depending on the region you are in, with some countries using a 50 Hz power supply, while others use a 60 Hz frequency. If the camera’s FPS is not in sync with the local electrical frequency, it can result in camera lighting fluctuations and the strobe effect.

Pro Tip: Always adjust your camera’s FPS settings based on the power supply frequency of the region you are in to prevent flickering effects on-screen.

Region Standard Power Supply Frequency
United States 60 Hz
Europe 50 Hz
Asia-Pacific 50 Hz / 60 Hz (depending on the country)

Besides power supply frequency, LED light quality and design also play a crucial role in determining the possibility of a strobe effect in your video recordings. High-quality LED lights with efficient designs are less likely to exhibit flickering.

As a photographer or videographer, understanding the strobe effect and its causes would help you take measures to minimize it in your recordings. Ensuring that your camera’s FPS is in sync with the electrical frequency of the region and using high-quality LED lights can help reduce the LED light flickering video effect. In the following sections, we will dive deeper into camera settings and solutions to minimize this issue for a better visual experience.

Identifying the Causes of LED Light Flickering

LED light flickering on camera screens is a common issue that photographers and videographers encounter. This flickering can be attributed to the electron cycles, known as Hertz (Hz), within the alternating current (AC) that supplies power to the LED bulb. When the AC current rapidly turns the bulb on and off as part of these cycles, the human eye may not be able to detect the flickering. However, cameras can capture it due to their frame rates, which can lead to flickering light in video recordings. Let’s delve into the factors that cause this phenomenon.

It’s important to remember that LED light flickering isn’t always a result of the light itself, but often comes from how the camera interacts with different electrical frequencies and frames per second (FPS).

For consistent camera lighting, it’s crucial to understand how global electrical frequencies influence your camera’s recording capabilities. In the United States, the mains frequency is 60 Hz, while in most other countries, it’s 50 Hz. This discrepancy can affect how your camera captures light and ultimately impact the quality of your videos. The table below elaborates on some specific causes of LED light flickering:

Cause Description
Electrical frequency mismatch A disparity between the camera’s FPS and the electrical frequency it is exposed to can result in flickering.
LED driver issues Bad quality or damaged LED drivers can lead to inconsistencies in bulb brightness, producing flickering on camera screens.
Dimmer compatibility Some LED lights are incompatible or not optimized for use with dimmers, causing fluctuations in brightness when filmed.
Interference from other electronics Other devices may emit electrical noise that affects the LED bulb and causes flickering when captured by the camera.

By accounting for these factors and making necessary adjustments, you can mitigate LED light flickering in your videos and achieve more consistent camera lighting.

In summary, identifying the root causes of LED light flickering is fundamental to creating flicker-free video recordings. By examining the electrical frequencies and frame rates of your camera, along with ensuring the compatibility of LED lights and dimmers, you can successfully minimize flickering issues and enhance your video production.

Mastering FPS Adjustments for Consistent Lighting

When it comes to preventing the flickering effect in your videos, adjusting the frames per second (FPS) settings on your camera is an effective solution. Reducing FPS can minimize flicker and maintain consistent lighting throughout your recording. Let’s explore the process of reducing FPS and how to make the necessary adjustments on different camera models.

Reducing FPS to Minimize Flicker

High FPS settings can exacerbate the flickering detectable in your videos since a faster frame rate is more susceptible to inconsistencies in lighting. By decreasing the FPS, you are essentially slowing down the rate at which your camera captures individual frames, minimizing the chances of capturing this flickering effect. It’s important to keep the FPS within a reasonable range, typically between 24 and 30 FPS, so as not to compromise video quality.

Tips for Adjusting FPS on Different Camera Models

Adjusting the FPS setting on your camera may vary depending on the brand and model. Here are some general tips to help you navigate the settings on different camera models:

  • DSLR and mirrorless cameras: Most cameras in this category allow you to manually adjust the FPS through their settings menu. To access the FPS settings, navigate to the menu, and look for the video or movie mode section. From here, you can change the frame rate to a suitable value.
  • Action cameras (like GoPro): Many action cameras offer multiple frame rate options, which can be found within the video mode or resolution settings. Select the desired FPS to best match the lighting conditions and avoid flickering.
  • Smartphones: Top-of-the-line smartphone models often come with manual mode or “pro” mode for the camera, enabling you to control various aspects of the recording like FPS, exposure, and shutter speed. If your phone supports such a mode, switch to it and then tweak the FPS settings accordingly.

Remember that different lighting conditions may require adjustments in FPS to maintain consistency. Experimenting with FPS values under various lighting scenarios can help you get the best results each time.

Optimizing Shutter Speed to Match Lighting Frequency

Incorporating shutter speed adjustments is an effective way to match the frequency of your power supply and ultimately minimize video flicker. When you adjust the shutter speed of your camera to multiples of the electricity’s Hertz—60 Hz in the United States or 50 Hz in other regions—you can achieve clearer and flicker-free video capture. By using these optimization techniques, you will be able to disable automatic lighting changes on the camera.

Follow the steps below to optimize your shutter speed and lighting frequency:

  1. Turn off any automatic lighting adjustment features on your camera.
  2. Determine the power frequency of your region (60 Hz or 50 Hz).
  3. Select a shutter speed that is a multiple of your power frequency.
  4. Conduct test recordings to evaluate the effectiveness of your new settings.

It’s important to note that camera models may have different methods for adjusting shutter speed. Always consult your camera’s manual or online resources specific to your model when making adjustments.

“When you adjust the shutter speed of your camera to multiples of the electricity’s Hertz, you can achieve clearer and flicker-free video capture.”

Below is a table showcasing common shutter speed settings related to power frequencies:

Power Frequency (Hz) Shutter Speed (1/x seconds)
50 Hz 1/100, 1/50, 1/25
60 Hz 1/120, 1/60, 1/30

By optimizing your camera’s shutter speed, you can take control over lighting frequency and ultimately produce flicker-free recordings. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different settings to achieve the best results for your specific shooting environment.

Controlling Brightness for Smoother Camera Performance

Managing the brightness and intensity of light sources is an important aspect of recording professional-quality video. By adjusting brightness settings and mastering the correct balance of aperture and exposure, you can avoid camera light fluctuations and achieve smoother camera performance.

Adjusting Light Source Brightness

One way to reduce flickering in video recordings is to dim the light sources or adjust the camera settings to handle a less intense brightness. Although this may impact the overall video exposure, carefully controlling the brightness can ultimately stabilize camera lighting and create visually pleasing results.

“The balance between light source intensity and camera settings is crucial for achieving flicker-free and visually stunning results.”

Balancing Aperture and Exposure Settings

Finding the perfect harmony between aperture and exposure settings is critical to avoid overly dark or blown-out footage. The balance between these settings in relation to the distance from the light source plays a pivotal role in obtaining the desired shot. Consider the following tips:

  1. Choose a smaller aperture for increased depth of field and better light control.
  2. Aim for lower exposure settings to minimize overexposure and blown-out highlights.
  3. Experiment with different combinations of aperture and exposure settings to discover the optimal balance for your specific shooting conditions.

In summary, controlling brightness, balancing aperture and exposure settings, and adjusting the intensity of light sources are essential tactics to avoid camera light fluctuations and enhance overall video quality. Practice and experimentation will lead you to find the perfect settings for consistently smoother camera performance and stunning results.

Moving Away from Light Sources to Stabilize Imaging

Sometimes a simple change in positioning can significantly enhance video quality. By moving away from light sources, you can reduce flickering and distracting reflections on your subjects. However, keep in mind that removing the light source or distancing it could require compensating adjustments to your camera settings to maintain proper exposure.

There are several methods that can help you stabilize camera lighting as you move away from light sources:

  1. Adjusting your camera’s ISO to increase sensitivity to light
  2. Opening up the aperture to allow more light into the camera
  3. Slowing down the shutter speed to allow more light in during the exposure

Always be prepared to control camera lighting changes by making on-the-spot adjustments to accommodate varying light sources. Altering your position relative to the light can result in substantial improvements to the overall image quality and reduce unwanted flickering concerns.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to strike a balance between adequate exposure, minimal noise, and attracting the viewer’s focus to your subjects.

Finally, don’t forget to consider the possibility of using multiple light sources, reflectors, or diffusers to distribute light evenly and minimize harsh shadows or overexposed areas in your frame when moving away from a primary light source.

Leveraging Natural Light to Avoid Flickering

One of the most effective ways of avoiding light flickering in your videos is by leveraging natural light. Natural light, primarily sunlight, provides constant illumination that ensures a flicker-free light source, unlike artificial lights that may suffer from frequency-related issues.

Natural light sources like the sun offer a reliable and steady light that does not require any specialized settings. As such, including sunlight in your video capture process can result in smoother and visually appealing footage, without the need for frequent camera adjustments. However, there are a few tips and strategies to keep in mind when using natural light for your recordings:

  1. Be mindful of the sun’s position and time of day. Sunlight quality can change significantly throughout the day. The golden hours—shortly after sunrise and before sunset—usually provide the most flattering, warm tones.
  2. Avoid harsh, direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can create harsh shadows and blown-out highlights. Position your subject in such a way that sunlight provides an even, diffused illumination. If necessary, use a light diffuser or find natural shade to soften harsh light.
  3. Keep an eye on your camera light settings. Even though natural light is generally consistent, cloud cover or sudden exposure changes may still occur. Continuously monitor your camera light settings to maintain the desired level of exposure.

To sum it up, leveraging natural light is an excellent way to avoid flickering issues in your videos. By being aware of the sun’s position, light quality, and your camera settings, you can enjoy the benefits of consistent, flicker-free lighting without additional equipment or complicated adjustments.

Preventing Camera Auto Adjustments on Smartphones

Smartphones, especially iPhones, have made significant strides in photography capabilities. However, you may still encounter automatic exposure adjustments and lighting changes that can negatively impact your photos. This section will help you learn how to disable specific features on your smartphone and choose the right camera settings to prevent unwanted adjustments.

Disabling Features That Affect Automatic Exposure

Some iPhones have built-in features, such as Smart HDR and Night Mode, which can affect automatic exposure settings. Although these features are designed to improve image quality, they sometimes lead to over-processed photos. To achieve more natural-looking results, consider turning off these features:

  1. Go to Settings > Camera.
  2. Find Smart HDR and Night mode options, and toggle them off.

Tip: Remember that disabling these features may lead to underexposed or noisy images in specific situations, such as low-light scenes. Therefore, turn them off only when you feel confident in your photography skills and plan to post-process the images with editing software.

Choosing the Right Camera Settings on Your iPhone

While the default iPhone camera settings can produce stunning images, you can further optimize them by manually adjusting specific settings, allowing you more control and avoiding auto enhancements. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Shoot in RAW format: Choose RAW format when taking photos, as it captures more details and allows for better post-processing due to the minimally processed data.
  • Disable auto lighting adjustments: Turn off features like Live Photos, Auto HDR, and Face/Body Detection to stop the camera from auto-adjusting the exposure and lighting based on the subject.
  • Control exposure manually: Tap and slide on the screen when composing an image to adjust the exposure according to your preference.
  • Use third-party camera apps: Consider using manual camera apps like ProCam, Halide, or Camera+ 2, which offer more granular control over settings like shutter speed, ISO, and white balance.

By mastering iPhone camera settings and disabling specific features, you can efficiently prevent camera auto adjustments and achieve more professional, true-to-life results in your photos.

How Professional Lighting Can Solve Flickering Issues

Using professional lighting solutions in your projects is a reliable way to solve flickering issues and maintain consistent camera lighting. These specialized light sources are designed with high-frequency pulses, allowing them to function as constant light sources that don’t exhibit the flickering effect seen with regular LED lights.

Investing in studio lights can be a game-changer for your photography and videography endeavors. By creating a controlled and well-lit environment, you can not only eliminate flickering but also enhance the overall visual appeal and quality of your content. Let’s explore some key benefits of using professional lighting equipment:

  1. Improved color accuracy: Studio lights can reproduce color more accurately, providing you with vibrant and true-to-life images that better represent the scenes you are capturing.
  2. Controlled lighting conditions: Professional lighting allows you to shape, modify, and control the intensity of the light, giving you consistent and predictable results.
  3. Flicker-free videos: Since professional lighting operates at high frequencies, it does not create flickering problems on camera, ensuring smooth and visually pleasing videos.
  4. Reduced noise and grain: Well-lit scenes require less image processing, which in turn helps reduce noise and grain in your photos and videos. This contributes to cleaner and sharper content.

Considering the advantages, it’s worth examining different professional lighting options available in the market, such as continuous lights, strobe lights, and high-speed sync flash systems. Here’s a basic comparison to help you decide which might be the best fit for your needs:

Type of Light Best For Pros Cons
Continuous Lights Video production, still life photography What you see is what you get, easy to set up and use, flicker-free Can be hot, uses more power, limited output compared to strobes
Strobe Lights Portraits, fashion, studio photography High output, short flash duration, more control over light intensity and temperature More expensive, tethered to power source, may require more practice to master
High-Speed Sync Flash Action, sports, wildlife photography Extremely short flash duration, freeze action, works great outdoors, compatible with fast shutter speeds Expensive, decreased flash power at higher shutter speeds, may require compatible camera system and flash

In conclusion, integrating professional lighting into your projects can significantly improve your content by providing flicker-free, consistent camera lighting. Invest in the right equipment based on your requirements and see the difference it makes in your photography and videography skills.

Advanced Camera Settings for Static Lighting Conditions

Mastering advanced camera settings can dramatically improve your photography and videography in static lighting conditions. This section will guide you through key adjustments, including altering camera resolutions and turning off automatic features, to prevent your camera from auto-adjusting exposure.

Adjusting Camera Resolutions and Formats for Better Control

Adjusting camera resolutions is a strategic decision for photographers, especially when working with devices like the iPhone 15. Higher resolutions offer more detail and control over lighting, which can greatly benefit static lighting situations.

Example: If your camera is set to capture images at 12 megapixels, you can change the resolution to capture 24-megapixel images for improved image quality and better control over lighting.

Another crucial aspect is selecting the appropriate file format for your images or videos. While JPEGs and MP4s are compressed formats that save storage space, they may hinder lighting adjustments in post-processing. Opting for RAW or ProRAW file formats allows for more control over your images, enabling adjustments without loss of image quality.

Turning Off Automatic Features That Cause Lighting Changes

Automatic features such as auto-focus, auto-exposure, and auto-white balance aim to make photography more convenient but may inadvertently lead to lighting fluctuations. Disabling these settings grants you full control over your camera’s behavior, preventing distortions in lighting.

Feature Effect on Lighting How to Disable on iPhone 15
Auto-focus Allows camera to automatically adjust focus, which can cause exposure changes Tap and hold on the desired focus point, then slide the AE/AF Lock slider to lock focus
Auto-exposure Automatically adjusts the camera’s exposure, potentially leading to inconsistent lighting Tap and hold on a specific point to lock exposure on that area, then slide the AE/AF Lock slider
Auto-white balance Adjusts color temperature based on the surrounding light, which may result in color shifts Switch to a manual white balance preset or use a third-party camera app for granular control

By using these advanced camera settings, you are well on your way to capturing consistent lighting in your images and videos. From adjusting camera resolutions to disabling automatic features, gaining more control over your camera’s behavior will undoubtedly yield more refined outcomes with minimal lighting changes.


In conclusion, understanding and manipulating your camera settings to prevent unintended lighting changes is essential for achieving the desired outcome in your photography. Disabling auto enhancements, controlling camera lighting conditions and adjusting camera settings for static light are key components to ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing result in your images.

Throughout this article, I have explored camera settings and techniques such as adjusting FPS, optimizing shutter speed, balancing aperture and exposure, and leveraging natural light. By mastering these skills and adapting your approach to different shooting situations, you can consistently capture the ambiance you envision for your projects.

To further enhance your photography, you may also consider investing in professional lighting equipment or exploring advanced camera settings for more control over your images. In any case, take the time to experiment with your camera and its various features to nurture your creativity and develop a personal style in your work. Remember, patience and practice make perfect!


How can I prevent LED light flickering in my videos?

Adjust your camera’s FPS, shutter speed, and brightness settings to minimize flickering. Also, consider moving away from light sources, using natural light, investing in professional lighting, and turning off automatic features on your device that could affect lighting.

What causes the strobe effect in cameras?

The strobe effect is caused by the misalignment of the camera’s FPS with the frequency of electricity in LED lights, resulting in a flickering effect on the captured video.

How can I adjust the FPS on my camera to mitigate flickering?

Refer to your camera’s manual for instructions on how to access and adjust the FPS settings. Typically, a lower FPS can help reduce the chances of capturing the flickering effect in your videos.

What camera settings can help me avoid the flickering effect?

Adjusting the shutter speed to match the electricity’s frequency, controlling the brightness settings, and finding the right balance between aperture and exposure can all help you avoid noticeable flickering in your videos.

How can I use natural light for flicker-free video recording?

Position your subject near a window or outdoor area where sunlight is abundant, ensuring that the sunlight provides consistent illumination without directly casting harsh shadows on your subject.

Can smartphone settings impact the flickering effect in videos?

Yes, certain features on smartphones like Smart HDR and Night Mode can affect automatic exposure settings. Disabling these features can provide more natural and consistent lighting in your photos and videos.

Are there any benefits to investing in professional lighting for video recording?

Professional lighting often uses high-frequency pulses, functioning as constant light sources that effectively eliminate flickering issues and provide consistent lighting conditions for your video recordings.

Hi, I'm, the founder of the world's #1 LED lighting review site. At, we strive to provide you with the most comprehensive and reliable reviews on LED lighting products. Whether you're looking for car LEDs, super bright LEDs, or even grow light LEDs, you'll find all the information you need right here on our site. With years of experience in the industry, I'll guide you towards making the best purchasing decisions for your lighting needs. Trust me to shed light on the world of LEDs and help you find the perfect lighting solutions.

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